books by
Super Labo is a Tokyo-based publisher of photography books established by Yasunori Houki in 2009. Since its establishment, the company has consistently participated in major art book fairs worldwide and has published over 120 photography books. Renowned photographers from both Japan and abroad have contributed to the projects, with each photography book being produced in close collaboration with the artists.
In March 2019, Super Labo opened a concept store called "SUPER LABO STORE TOKYO," focusing on photography themes. They also handle exhibitions, print sales, and the sale of editioned works.
834 MIBUがスーパーラボによるキュレーションライブラリーを展開。
2019年3月、スーパーラボは写真をテーマにしたコンセプトストア「SUPER LABOSTORE TOKYO」をオープン。写真展やプリント販売、出版作品の販売も行っています。
December 2024 - May 2024
Issei Suda
Anonymous Men and Women Tokyo: 1976-78
Collotype prints by BenridoA selection of eight images printed by Benrido has been chosen from the previously published body of work found within the exhibition catalogue produced for Issei Suda’s solo show held at Shinjuku Nikon Salon and Ginza Nikon salon in 1978 titled “Anonymous Men and Women: Tokyo 1976-78”.
Suda Issei (1940-2019) was born in Tokyo. From 1967, he worked as the exclusive photographer for the theater company Tenjo Sajiki, led by Terayama Shuji. He then became a freelance photographer, and in 1997, he won the 16th Domon Ken Award for his photo collection "Ningen no Kioku."
A section of images printed by Benrido Atelier in Kyoto will rotate seasonally in our space.
1978年に新宿と銀座のニコンサロンで開催された須田一政氏の個展「無名の男と女:東京 1976-78年」の展覧会カタログに掲載された作品の中から、便利堂がプリントした8点の画像が選ばれました。
京都 便利堂でプリントされた作品は、季節ごとに入れ替えて展示されます。
Our home is founded on the principles of promoting the work of artists and publishers. Our library is seasonally curated by renowned publishers, bookstores, authors, and artists working in the field of photography. For part of the year, our home is available to traveling photographers, publishers, writers, and curators as a residency and homestay. On occasion, selected works are on display.
Our space is closed to the public for walk-ins and is for the enjoyment of our artists and private guests who book to stay. Please do not disturb artists in residence or guests. Artists in residence may open the house at short notice for appointments only.
834 MIBUは、京都を拠点とするアーティストのためのレジデンスであり、京都の歴史ある町屋でのホームステイ先としてのご利用も可能です。2024年に設立された当スペースは、写真の分野で活躍するアーティスト、キュレーター、出版社、作家を受け入れています。
834 MIBUは、アーティストや出版社の仕事を促進するという原則に基づいて設立されました。ライブラリーでは、写真の分野で活躍する著名な出版社、書店、作家、アーティストの作品を季節ごとに展示しています。一年間のうちの一定期間には、写真家、出版社、作家、キュレーターの皆様への滞在先、ホームステイ先を提供しています。厳選された作品の展示が行われることもあります。